What are Objective Design and Development Standards?

    The State of California defines objective standards as "standards that involve no personal or subjective judgement by a public official and are uniformly verifiable by reference to an external and uniform benchmark or criterion available and knowable by both the development applicant or proponent and the public official prior to submittal".

    Why is Foster City creating Single-Family Objective Design and Development Standards?

    Foster City has historically used the Municipal Code, Title 17, Zoning for development standards to ensure homes meet the requirements for size, setbacks, and other standards. Additionally, the City has relied on several policies to ensure compatibility of new single-family homes, additions, and/or redevelopment of existing home sites, with the community’s aesthetic standards. Reviews are typically done by staff and/or the Planning Commission. The subjective process and policies in place can be challenged and objective design and development standards are necessary to provide the City with clear direction regarding the design of single-family homes.