Safety Element Update

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Public outreach for the Safety Element Update is now complete, and this project is now archived.

The Safety Element is one of the seven mandatory elements of the General Plan. The principal purpose of the element is the identification of potential risks within the city that pose a threat to the community's welfare, public health, and overall safety.

The existing Safety Element adopted in 2016 was combined with the 2016 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Safety Element is also coordinated with the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) required by federal law. The latest LHMP is the 2021 San Mateo County Multijurisdictional LHMP.

This Safety Element Update will create a stand-alone Safety Element. The Safety Element Update focuses on identifying public safety risks and creating a unique set of goals, policies, and implementation actions that address these risks. The Safety Element Update allows the City to address these conditions by reducing the impacts associated with these hazards or preventing hazardous conditions in the future. It also addresses emergency evacuation in the City and creates policies designed to enhance and streamline the evacuation process during emergency events.

Latest Update:

The Draft Safety Element Update has been revised, updated, and is available for public review. This update is dated May 30, 2023 and includes revisions to the April 2023 version. Revisions were made to include references to updated reports and policies from other agencies. Meeting information and video are available here. Please provide any comments to

A Planning Commission Public Hearing for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption was held on July 20, 2023 and was recommended approval to City Council.

A City Council Regular Meeting for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption will be held on August 21, 2023

Overview of Review Process:

  • The Public Review Draft of the Safety Element is available for public review beginning March 15, 2023. Revisions were made due to clerical errors and was reposted on 3/20/2023. No change in content and analysis.
  • A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Housing Element Update and Safety Element Update is available for public review. Public review period is from February 16, 2023 to April 2, 2023. Please review the Notice of Availability for more information on how to review, submit comments, and upcoming tentative hearings for the DEIR. All DEIR materials are posted on the Housing Element Update webpage.
  • A Study Session on the draft document was held at a Planning Commission Hearing on May 4, 2023. Meeting information and video are available here.
  • Public Hearings will be held by the Planning Commission and City Council prior to adoption.
  • A Planning Commission Public Hearing for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption was held on July 20, 2023
  • A City Council Regular Meeting for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption will be held on August 21, 2023

Give us your feedback! You may submit comments by:

  • Email to (External link)
  • Mail to Sofia Mangalam, Community Development Director at 610 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404


Revised Draft Safety Element and Appendix A added May 30, 2023

Revised Draft Safety Element - April 19, 2023 - Appendix A added May 4, 2023

Draft Safety Element - March 15, 2023

The Safety Element is one of the seven mandatory elements of the General Plan. The principal purpose of the element is the identification of potential risks within the city that pose a threat to the community's welfare, public health, and overall safety.

The existing Safety Element adopted in 2016 was combined with the 2016 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Safety Element is also coordinated with the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) required by federal law. The latest LHMP is the 2021 San Mateo County Multijurisdictional LHMP.

This Safety Element Update will create a stand-alone Safety Element. The Safety Element Update focuses on identifying public safety risks and creating a unique set of goals, policies, and implementation actions that address these risks. The Safety Element Update allows the City to address these conditions by reducing the impacts associated with these hazards or preventing hazardous conditions in the future. It also addresses emergency evacuation in the City and creates policies designed to enhance and streamline the evacuation process during emergency events.

Latest Update:

The Draft Safety Element Update has been revised, updated, and is available for public review. This update is dated May 30, 2023 and includes revisions to the April 2023 version. Revisions were made to include references to updated reports and policies from other agencies. Meeting information and video are available here. Please provide any comments to

A Planning Commission Public Hearing for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption was held on July 20, 2023 and was recommended approval to City Council.

A City Council Regular Meeting for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption will be held on August 21, 2023

Overview of Review Process:

  • The Public Review Draft of the Safety Element is available for public review beginning March 15, 2023. Revisions were made due to clerical errors and was reposted on 3/20/2023. No change in content and analysis.
  • A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Housing Element Update and Safety Element Update is available for public review. Public review period is from February 16, 2023 to April 2, 2023. Please review the Notice of Availability for more information on how to review, submit comments, and upcoming tentative hearings for the DEIR. All DEIR materials are posted on the Housing Element Update webpage.
  • A Study Session on the draft document was held at a Planning Commission Hearing on May 4, 2023. Meeting information and video are available here.
  • Public Hearings will be held by the Planning Commission and City Council prior to adoption.
  • A Planning Commission Public Hearing for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption was held on July 20, 2023
  • A City Council Regular Meeting for the recommendation of the Safety Element adoption will be held on August 21, 2023

Give us your feedback! You may submit comments by:

  • Email to (External link)
  • Mail to Sofia Mangalam, Community Development Director at 610 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404


Revised Draft Safety Element and Appendix A added May 30, 2023

Revised Draft Safety Element - April 19, 2023 - Appendix A added May 4, 2023

Draft Safety Element - March 15, 2023